Getting into the Halloween spirit and decorating your home for this event doesn’t necessarily mean you have to sacrifice home style. Forget about tacky plastic skeletons and inflatable spiders. Here you have some chic decoration ideas that are so spooky they will amaze your guests.
1. Outdoor lighting: Pave the way for guests and trick-or-treaters with autumn lights and decorative items. Light up your porch and your garden with jack-o-lanterns and candles. You can also paint cans and make holes to create messages for guests. Add candles inside the cans to light up the message.
2. Downsize: bigger does not necessarily mean better. Though it may seem huge pumpkins will look more decorative, the truth is that once the festivity is over cleaning your home will seem like a real nightmare. Instead opt for small jack-o-lanterns. They will still look stylish and will make your life easier once Halloween is over.
3. Go monochromatic: stick to one or two colours instead of mixing different colour palettes. It may seem Halloween is a holiday for orange and black coloured decorations, but it does not have to be so. Certainly, this is the most traditional approach for this occasion, but try choosing white or burgundy. Paint your pumpkins in white and add white decorations such as wooden crates and floral arrangements. Inky tones mixed with orange tones also works for a more traditional approach.
4. Floral arrangements: Adding flowers to your home during Halloween will add an elegant and sophisticated touch to the decor. Instead of orange flowers opt for pink, peach, white and burgundy in your centerpiece palette. You can even use white pumpkins as vases for the flowers.

5. Unconventional Pumpkins: We are used to carving eyes and mouths on pumpkins during Halloween festivities. But, how about trying something different for once? Instead of standard faces carve foliage, geometric shapes or masquerade your pumpkins.
6. Chalkboards: paint a wall with chalk paint and write scary messages to your guests. It is also a great space for kids to draw Halloween pictures. No need to paint the wall again once Halloween is over, just use it for to do lists or inspiring quotes.
7. Autumn leaves: Scatter colorful foliage in your home to give a cozy fall feel during Halloween. Place autumn leaves inside a clear vase, on the front door or on the table as the main centerpiece.
8. Decorative skull figures: Ceramic skulls and skull-shaped candles are available all year in home decor stores. Try looking for classier items and ditch white plastic skeletons.
9. Halloween recipes: If you are hosting a party try serving your guests appetizers, snacks and desserts themed on Halloween. No need to cook a bloody finger or a spider cake, instead use pumpkin as your main ingredient, for example for cupcakes or cookies.

10. Bloody drinks: Give a twist to your classic drinks and prepare shots and cocktails that will scare your guests. Here you have some ideas: vampire shots (Bloody Mary in tube shots), purple gin and tonics, Spanish sangria, etc.